Monolithic to Microservices. How we should plan Migration?


Microservice is additionally looking infectious topic now a days in IT industry. We feel microservice goes to resolve our on going problem. Now let’s start with what could also be your problem.

Let’s first start with very interesting story, I used to be a neighborhood of one session on Microservice in Delhi. I was  attending that session because I wanted to find out Microservice. I got an opportunity to speak to another people therein session. So I asked them. They were all from one company. I asked them why they need joined this session? They told me my Boss told us to hitch this session. I asked, “Are you getting to implement it in your organization ?”. They said, “we aren’t aware. Our boss is simply sitting behind, you’ll ask him”.

I visited ask their Boss. Asking an equivalent question, “So, why are you looking to use microservices?” The boss’s response? “Our CTO said we’re doing microservices, so I assumed we should always determine what they are!”

This true story, while at one level funny, is unfortunately only too common. We may encounter this sort of the choice to adopt a microservice architecture without really understanding why, or what they’re hoping to realize .

What are your existing problems?

1. does one see the scalability issue? you would like to expand, but you can’t easily.

2. does one see the performance issue? Your customers are complaining about slowness in your service.

3. does one see the maintenance/operation issue? due to many services, you can’t maintain it.

4. does one see the efficiency issue in your developer? Means your developer work on the very large application and management of the code base is difficult. you would like to enhance team autonomy.

5. Are you trying to find Easy, Less Risky Deployments.

6. does one want runtime resiliency? Malfunctioning components can create global problems.

With Microservices, you avoid this risk. A misbehaving service still presents a drag . But you’ll address it individually. And if it’s not mission-critical, you even have the pliability to not prioritize a fix.

7. Are you able to invest in new Technology?

8. does one have multiple domain and you’re facing problem in managing that?

Please confirm if all of your answer is YES , then you ought to seriously believe Microservice. Otherwise, Microservice decision could also be an error for you and you’ll find yourself with a multitude of hybrid architecture of Monolithic and Microservice.

Please don’t take the choice in favor of Microservice, if you’ve got .

1. Really Operational Internal Issue.

2. Management issue.

3. Team knowledge issue.

4. Architecture issue.

5. Design issue.

6. Customer is complaining slowness.

7. you would like to be Agile theoretically.


Sometimes Tool itself is a problem .

Not Having an honest Reason!

1. My Boss told me.

2. BOSS says my CTO told me.

3. And CTO Says my CEO told me we’d like to scale back costs and deliver fast by moving to microservices.

4. It’ll run super fast.

5. I would like to scale product with none reason.

6. I would like to scale back , time to plug .

7. My customer is on microservice.

There may be one of the above reason, but we should evaluate it perfectly.

Three Key Questions you ought to ask before starting.

What are you hoping to achieve?

This should be a group of outcomes that are aligned to what the business is trying to realize , and may be articulated during a way that describes the benefit to the top users of the system.

Have you considered alternatives to using microservices?

As we’ll explore later, there are often many other ways to realize a number of an equivalent benefits that microservices bring. have you ever checked out these things? If not, why not? very often you’ll get what you would like by employing a much easier, more boring technique.

How will you recognize if the transition is working?

If you opt to start this transition, how will you recognize if you’re getting into the proper direction? We’ll come to the present topic at the top of the chapter. quite once I’ve found that asking these questions is enough for companies to re-evaluate regarding whether to travel any longer with a microservice architecture.

How small is just too small? How big is just too big? It’s hard to urge the dimensions of a microservice right. Sometimes within the excitement of ending a system, developers go too far and find yourself building a multitude of nanoservices which suffer from a huge amount of overhead.

Then what we should always do?

Empowering Employees

“Empowering employees” is management consultancy represent helping them do their job. most often this means something pretty straightforward—removing roadblocks.You’ve shared your vision and built up excitement—and then what happens? Things get within the way. one of the foremost common problems is that people are too busy doing what they’re doing now to possess the bandwidth to change—this is typically why companies bring new people into an organization (perhaps through hires or as consultants) to supply teams extra bandwidth and expertise to make a change.

Short-Term Wins

If it takes too long for people to determine progress being made, they’ll lose faith within the vision. So choose some quick wins. Focusing initially on small, easy, low-hanging fruit will help build momentum.

Consolidating Gains and Producing More Change

Once you’ve got some success, it becomes important to not sit on your achievements. Quick wins might be the only wins if you don’t still continue . It’s important you pause and reflect after successes (and failures) so you’ll believe the thanks to keep driving the change. you’ll need to change your approach as you reach different parts of the organization.

Anchoring New Approaches within the Culture

By continuing to iterate, roll out changes, and share the stories of successes (and failures), the new way of working will start to become business as was common . an outsized a neighborhood of this is often often about sharing stories along side your colleagues, with other teams and folk within the organization.

Moving from Monolithic to Microservices

Migration in Increments Imagine this: you’re building a replacement house for you and your family to maneuver into – within the meantime, you’re all living during a hotel, which is clearly quite costly. rather than expecting the whole new home to be built, you’d wish to move in when there are enough components available within the home for your family to measure on. So, you prioritize the rooms that are built, ensuring that core components are going to be available first: kitchen, bathroom and two of the bedrooms. Once ready, you’ll enter the house , stop pocket money on the hotel, and continue building the opposite rooms within the house sequentially. this is often precisely how a monolith to microservices migration is conducted.

Migration via the Strangler Pattern Migrating a monolith architecture to microservices involves identifying the business domains or functions that ought to be appropriated by a microservice. From there, a replacement microservices capability are often introduced and replace the corresponding piece of the legacy system. Over time, your commerce platform will become more and more independent. This method is named the strangler pattern. an idea designed by Martin Fowler, the strangler pattern begins by introducing a replacement microservice, which is made and introduced completely independent from the monolith; eventually, the microservice takes over the functionality that was originally delivered by the monolith. This pattern application reduces risk as individual components are built and implemented – the microservice only takes over the component of the monolith once deemed fully evolved and stable. Migration to microservices are often done swiftly but requires expertise. Working with a digital advisory throughout all stages of migration ensures that the method is executed quickly and with accuracy.

What are the steps which we’d like to follow?

Assessment, Audit & Approvals (3A)

Business audit, digital maturity assessment, examination of monolith platform including areas of performance and limitations. Insights delivered from evolution and audit. Next steps; if migration is sensible for your business, platform and timeline recommendations delivered.

Migration Design

Should migration to microservices suit the business, migration blueprint provided; includes proposed process for breaking down monolith and sequential order for implementing microservices.

Infrastructure, Continuous Innovation Cycle & APIs Established Monolith Decoupled.

Required infrastructure, processes and management systems established for migration. Monolith decoupled and split into small databases aligned with applications

Microservices Implemented

Beginning with core business capabilities, microservices capabilities introduced independent of the monolith.

Microservice takes over Monolith Capability

Once microservices deemed stable, it takes over the corresponding monolith capability.

Retire Former Monolith Code

With traffic directed to microservice and monolith dependency eliminated, retire old monolith functionalities, features, code.

What is the proper Time to Migrate?

The reality is that an enterprise can migrate from monolith to microservices at any time. Because the tactic is incremental, there is no downtime, flexible deadlines, and tiny to no risk. However, there are some instances when making the case internally to shared project stakeholders is easier than others. Here are three indicators that now could even be the only time for your enterprise to migrate to microservices:

1. Your business is committed to continuous innovation

2. Your current monolith platform requires an arduous upgrade

3. you would like to form enhancements to the customer experience

Best Practices for Designing a Microservices Architecture

• Create a Separate Data Store for each Microservice.

• Keep Code at a uniform Level of Maturity.

• Do a Separate Build for each Microservice.

• Deploy in Containers.

• Treat Servers as Stateless.


I am not an expert of Microservice and never did any migration. Migrating from monolith to microservices is an efficient and incremental thanks to begin delivering improved digital experiences. Businesses don’t have finish lines. If your enterprise has invested during a monolithic commerce platform but is interested in boosting its speed and adaptableness, connect with an expert to urge an audit and assessment about what migrating to a microservices architecture can appear as if at your organization. we’ll discuss more about this approach in our next article.

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