Downtime !! How To Act?


As businesses and other associations decreasingly depend on internet-grounded services, inventors and sysadmins are fastening their attention on creating a dependable structure that minimizes expensive time-out.

A website, API, or other service being unapproachable can have significant financial costs performing to lost deals. also, time-out can lead to

Unhappy Customers: Users anticipate stable services. Interruptions can lead to raised support requests and a general loss of confidence in your brand.
Lost Productivity If your workers depend on a service to do their jobs, time-out means lost productivity for your association. Also, if your workers are spending their time rebooting waiters and fighting time-out, they’re not developing new features and products.
Unhappy workers Frequent time-out cautions can lead to alert fatigue, and constantly scrabbling to break problems can take a risk on your platoon and their morale.

Downtime is not new to this IT industry, I think nobody wants this deliberately. important is how we react to these challenges.

1. In a Panic situation you cannot take a decision. Try to organize yourself.
2. First try to understand what is working and what is not.
3. Do not involve your critical technical resources in the discussion/communication/meetings. Let them analyse the problem.
4. One member in your team should be a good communicator or SPOC। He/She will take responsibility for all communications.
5. Do not frequently ping your technical guy, This distracts his/her mind. Believe in your team.
6. Leaders should take responsibility during this position and try not to pressurise their team.
7. Do not call everybody in a meeting until you are sure.

8. You should have a quick action team, which should be working behind the scene.
9. Solution is team efforts so please send thank you notes to all, not only leaders.
10. Final, you must do RCA and 5 Why Analysis, but do not expect it just after the resolution, give them some break and time.


Most importantly, to reduce the time of downtime every team should work together coordinate and come to conclusion. The blame game is not suitable for any resolution.

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