ये कुछ नया ले के आए हैं, बाबा रणछोड़दास।
(This is the Hindi film 3 idiots dialogue, which means, Baba Ranchordas has got something new)
Right now, every organization’s goals are fast delivery, good coordination, collaboration etc to reduce time to market. Just keep your hand on your heart and tell me, is it really happening? Race to reach its deadline without knowing its destination with chaos. It is becoming Agile with a lazy waterfall model in 2 weeks of sprints.
If you have precise requirements why not waterfall model, why agile? Please do not make it fashionable that our organization follow the Agile model. You have to choose the best for the project and organization.
The agile manifesto is full of passion, enthusiasm, and vibrant so that small teams can achieve their goal with less guidance.
Agile does not bind you to follow any rules, if you feel you need to change something in between, change it. Because you have to learn to improve with your own experience. Every project has its own quality. So plan it that way.
Projects do Agile instead of being agile.
We are busy with the Product Backlog, PI Planning, sprints, deadlines and cost. But Agile is missing.
We are not empowering our team to take decisions. We are just pushing. You will notice your developer repeating lines in every meeting. They now know how to satisfy and takle the scrum masters.
Notice your Development leaders, they will be in the full-day meetings. Not sure what we are trying to achieve in meetings for any project. Why your technical/Development leaders cannot contribute to development? Is a regular 15 min meeting not enough? Please do not busy your developers in meetings. Developers are burnings and feeling lonely and switching jobs hoping that the next job is better.
Now we have one more to confuse ourselves, WAGILE . WAGILE is a hybrid process that blends the best of the traditional waterfall systems with Agile philosophy (“W” + “Agile”).
Now, what will happen?
1. Failed/Late waterfall model pushed us to Agile. Without knowing the actual problem.
2. Now failed Agile will push us to Wagile.
We are just looking for greener grass.
Still, I feel Agile is the best, only
1. Believe in your team and let them feel Agile.
2. Do not bind them with Any tool. Let them decide tool. Excel /Word /Jira etc.
3. Ask your development manager to contribute, not through meetings only and by taking updates.
4. Top-level management should also reduce meetings.
4. If you want fast delivery. You can not run an Agile project with Interns.
5. Keep yourself away from Agile teaching/Gurus organizations. Decide your own way. We have a hell lot of experience to decide.
6. Agile is not magic.
7. Do not change your mind with the new methodology. Create your own methodology. This is called Agility.
8. Scrum is not Agile.
We need to understand that people are our strengths, NOT TOOLS. People will decide the success or failure of the project not TOOL.