Thinking about Automation?

What is Automation?

Still, you should think about robotization/automation, If you’re getting wearied doing repeated jobs every day. Especially in the Operation/support job, you will find repeated jobs.

We as mortal beings aren’t designed for a repeated job. That’s why we designed Robots. Currently, indeed Robots are also allowing grounded on AI (Artificial Intelligence), also why we’re doing repeated jobs every day? We can devote our precious time to doing some innovative work.

What is Stopping us from doing Automation?

1.         Our imagination

We are doing repeated jobs every day, but are not able to believe and imagine that this is a repeated job. We are happily doing this every day.

2.         Our Technical Skill

We do not know how to automate because of our technical skills.

3.         Our Thoughts

We believe if we automate, then we will lose our job.

4.         Our Procrastination

We will do this tomorrow when we get free time, and you will never get free time.

What should we do?

1.         Wake UP

We all need to expedite our work with quality. Every company is talking about innovation and if you are still busy with repeated jobs then it is not possible for you to innovate. So, the time has come when we need to wake up.

2.         Learn

Try to learn something new every day. This will help your brain imagine fast.

3.         Thoughts

Control your thoughts nothing is going to happen with your job, if automation comes in. I still remember when computers were first introduced 30 years back, everybody was thinking they will cut jobs. But nothing happened and on the other side, computers have introduced many job opportunities everywhere in the world.

4.         Knowledge

Spread your knowledge, do not keep your knowledge with you. This way you will grow with your team. Because Automation is teamwork.

How should we do?

1.         List down all repeated jobs which you are doing right now. Do not worry about Automation in this phase.

2.         Separate out all repeated jobs which you perform Monthly or Yearly. Do not waste your time right now on this. Make it priority 3 for Monthly and priority 4 for Yearly Jobs.

3.         Remaining list you need to divide into Priority 1 and 2

4.         Priority 1 tasks should be easily approachable jobs, or you can say easy to automate. This will give you confidence in future.

5.         Form one team for automation and try to spend 10%-20% of your time in automation.

6.         We need to develop an Automation mindset for our team and the above points will help you in this.


Automation is key to success for any organization and your personal growth also. Believe me, this is one of the best approaches to rejuvenating your brain. After some time, numerous ideas will pop up automatically in your mind.

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